Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Shoes to Fill

Mckell's new spurs jingle when you walk. Conner thought that was pretty cool. So last night he decided to wear them and try to spur anything that moved. What a cowboy!

Acting Out

Last night at my Mom's the boys were deciding what to be for Halloween....so as the ideas were flowing Dylan decided to act them out. All of the sudden I hear howling from the tree and look over and see Dylan acting like a werewolf (I didn't know werewolves lived in trees or had a scary vampire face) but it it made me laugh.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crazy Hair Day

Conner went dark for his crazy hair day at preschool today. He wasn't quite sure about it when he looked in the mirror. But got used to the idea after a few minutes. Everyone says he looks like Dylan. What a change!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Official.....

Dylan can wear pink.....this morning he decided it wasn't just for girls. He looked so handsome I had to take a picture! He is so stylish.

No Training Wheels!

Conner decided he was all grown up and can ride his bike with no training wheels! This picture is funny because he likes to wear his pants on the inside of his boots and he thinks he is very cool(especially since he has no training wheels).

State Fair

My mom decided it would be fun to take the kids to the state fair. This is the cartoon picture they had made. Funny huh! Mckell looks good but I am not sure what is wrong with Dylan's head, or why Conner looks a little evil. But they all had fun and even saw a cow with two noses! Wow!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome to The White House

Well this is my first "blogging" experience. I actually had Kayla help me set up my blog (good thing I have great friends). So, here it goes......I have a pretty great life. My husband Tyson and I have two sons, Dylan (9) and Conner (4). We live in Mona (the best town ever)! I serve in the Young Womens in the Mona 1st Ward. I am the Office Manager for a excavation company in Orem and I love my job but I especially love the people I work with. Well, in a nutshell that is me! Hopefully my new blog will be more interesting.......we'll see!!